Last of the cement
You guessed it! It rained!
Again rekindled the fire. Determined not to waste the cement and ballast we persevered with mixing concrete. This time concentrating on the walls on the river side of the barn. Part of the rationale for wall building is that at some point in the future we will have a load of digging to do in the main bit of the barn before laying a concrete floor; at this stage we will then just tip any earth out of the front door to backfill the walls.
Finished the cement, what a relief, no more incessant petrol mixer noise.
Got on with a few small jobs like fixing a new lockable bolt to the main door and reinforcing the back of the door.
In the evening we went over to Eke and Cecile’s for a drink and cake, a lovely couple in the village. Learnt loads about using chaux (lime) in buildings as well as options for sewage solutions.
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