About radicalfish.eu
This blog has been created for the sole purpose of keeping our (Alun & Breezy’s) friends, relatives, enemies, cronies, colleagues, acquaintances, etc, etc, informed about any progress (or lack thereof) on our ‘project in the mountains’.
Our aim is to restore this beautiful old Bergerie which is situated in the heart of the French Pyrenees. We are hoping to do this in the most eco-friendly way as possible.
We are slowly adding named categories for easy reference which we will continue to do as the project develops. Essentially it is like a diary with the latest entry at the top of the page – so reading a diary back to front. Click on “Blog” to get the latest entries in full or choose one of the categories on the lower menu to show excerpts for any entries under that subject.
In addition as we get to explore and know the area better we would like to post a few pages relating to the area such as places to go, things to do and eateries…..

If you do have any comments about the articles posted on this site, feel free to add them, but please be aware that they are moderated before being published. So although you may be able to see them, there is no guarantee that others can until they have been scrutinized and okayed by the powers-that-be.