Category: Summer 2013

Monday shopping

The summer is gradually drawing to an end. There is one single tree on the other side of the piste and the colours are definitely turning. When the alarm geos off in the morning (not often set) the sun is not already beaming in the windows as it has not yet made it over the ridge of the mountains in the east.

We got up, had breakfast and headed down the valley with the list to go shopping in St Girons. Laundry in the machine; quick trip to the garden place for grass seed and rat poison; back for the laundry then I went into the builders merchant while Breezy started the food shop.

All done and heading back up the valley by 11am.

Quick stop in Salau to fill water containers and check for post at the Auberge then up to the barn to unload. 4 trips up the hill with plasterboard and 1 with the mucktruck.

Ham salad sandwiches for lunch as the prawns did not look very appetising in the supermarket.

Afternoon of painting piss pot components either with varnish or yellow to match the steps, and then making a divider for the cutlery draw in the kitchen.

Supper of spagetti bolognaise as the fish in teh supermarket was not up to much.

After a sandwich lunch I cut some logs

Categories: Summer 2013

Piss pot development

Still overcast and no sign of the sun. Had breakfast after a bout of internet sorting out emails enquiries for the chalet in Chamonix.

When we lived in the little outbuilding we used a “bucket and chuck it” system. So if you needed a wee during the night you descended the ladder and pissed in a pot. In the morning the contents of the pot gets emptied either in the field or on the compost heap.  During the day when one has the calling one goes “En Plein Air” or “Al Fresco”.

This system is fine for us, close friends and immediate family but may present a small hurdle in getting to know the locals or entertaining people we don’t really know that well. Thus the system requires some development. It has been on the “list of things to do” for some time and we have been salvaginging bits and bobs along the way.

We started with one of the big bottles from a water dispenser. Filed the neck down to 50mm and cut the bottom off to make a big funnel. Then made a frame to hold it inverted so that the top is at the same height as the composting toilet and the neck of the bottle goes through the floor. The frame was then “coated” with offcuts of tongue and grouve match board. The seat was made from offcuts of floorboard as was the lid which attached to the seat with an old piano hinge. Now just awaiting a lick of paint and/or varnish as appropriate.

Lunch was taken on the terrace as the sun made a brief appearance and consisted of leftovers as shopping tomorrow. Honey and mustard chicken salad.


Just as we were about to apply the paint/varnish a quadbike appeared at the gate. We recognised Regan immediately as he has never been seen without his cowboy hat. The bike rider was new to us. Regan had heard about the wall building and got his friend from Couflens, Patrick, to take him up to see it. Time for a beer and a chat. They left about 40 minutes later and we had an invite from Patrick for an appero of Tuesday.

Showers and an omlet salad (with polenta).

Categories: Summer 2013

Home fires burning

When we woke up you could not see the van from the barn as we were immersed in a bank of cloud. It was not exactly raining but the air was so laden with moisture you see it getting blown about in waves like pollen in the summer. Very early the decision was made to minimise the amount of time outside and make ourselves as comfortable as possible inside. This entailed lighting the Yotul stove at the kitchen end (primarily to check it for leaks), having a bit of a cookfest and catching up on the internet.

Tomato, chilli, and basil soup. Breezy made a yoghurt cake (as per her dialy routine in the winter) with rhubarb and ginger, absolutely fantastic. And we had a go at making polenta.

I managed to get loads of work type computer stuff done off my list and catch up with the blog while Breezy concentrated on Ski Breezy emails etc.

In the afternoon we did manage to get a bit of DIY done. Making and attaching a skirting in the pantry area from old forklift pallets and planning the internal walls around the second porchway.

Later in the afternoon we lit the second fire in the living area as well.


Cherry smoked duck breast (smoker placed in the doorway as it was still foul outside) with polenta and salad for supper. Followed by an episode of “All creatures great and small” before an early bed.

Categories: Summer 2013

Sore legs

No alarm.

Breezy is walking down stairs backwards and I have to hold onto the wall to do down the bathroom steps. Maybe we overdid the walking yesterday?

Pottered about the place most of the day avoiding stairs and slopes. Not an easy feat considering our location.

No regrets though.

Categories: Summer 2013

Mr Rouch Ridge Walk to Cap de Ruhos

Early start, up at 645am and away and walking bu 645am. I slept OK but Al not so well, he was a bit cold. We decided to get going and have breakfast on the frontier.

The ground was bone dry so the hike up was very easy. Still fairly steep and some boulder hopping on the way but all pretty easy and under 2 hours we had reached the border and had fantastic views of the Pyrenees and into Spain. How lucky to sit and have breakfast at 845am with blue skies, not a cloud in sight and no wind.

We had decided not to do the summit this time as we knew we had a long day ahead and were unsure of how tricky the terrain ahead along the ridge would be so we veered off towards Cap de Ruhos which we could see in the distance, it looked a long way away and there was so sharp, rugged looking peaks on the way.

What a superb ridge walk/scramble. We headed down to Col de Mail, over to Pic des Rouges, looked over the Cirque D’Anglade and on to Pic de Montareing. This was all reasonable terrain, rock was good and not too loose and we made good progress. The final ridge bit on to Pic de Montagnoule looked more intimidating but once we got going no need for the rope to come out of the bag and conditions could not have been better for us.

Lunch much needed at the summit with not a soul in sight perfecto. Maps out looking at the views and piecing together the mountains always fun. Tomato, cucumber and tortilla wraps were devoured as we were starving.

The descent we had forgotten what steep descents are like, 2.45 hours down and knees and feet had had enough! but it was worth it.

Thank goodness that Vinnie was at the mine waiting for us rather than adding another hours walk on back to the barn. Instead we popped in to see Anouk and say we were back safe and sound, had a few rehydarting drinks and then back up to the barn.

Hot showers….NEEDED big time,  unpack, cook food and bed. We had guinea fowl but sadly had no energy to do anythign special with it except roast it with veggies from the garden and spuds.

Great couple of days, would do again but would prefer a zip wire for the descent!!!!

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project Tags: Tags:

Cabane de Bonheur

Another glorious day so we decided to do a little work before brekky and the sun hit us.

I set too with the strimmer on the bracken which we are gradually getting the better of. Al had the more unpleasant job of de composting the toilet!

Breakfast in the sun on the bottom terrace for a change before we started planning the terrace layout behind the new wall. Alison and Peter popped in for a coffee and a chat and before we knew it, it was lunchtime.

We had planned an early lunch as heading up the hill afterwards. So a good salad and pates and cheeses to get us fuelled up ready for the ascent to the cabane just below Mt Rouch.

The usual STEEP climb  up for 2.5 hours. Avalanche debris blocked the path at one stage which made the deviation rather treacherous.  There is not much flat in the 2.5hours but we just took our time especially as we had heavy packs with ropes, harnesses and wood for the stove.

We arrived just behind 4 other people BOO, last time we were here we had the place to ourselves and we just presumed that would be the case. Anyway it did not matter in the end. 8 people so no need for a fire and consequnetly lugged the firewood up there for no reason….anyway somebody else will thank us for it on a cold night!

We had made a rice, sausage and veggie meal all cooked and as there was no gas this time we just had it cold but with the chillits etc it was scrummy. We sat outside playing cards, having supper etc until 730pm in shorts and T shirts as it was a gorgeous evening, no wind and hot hot hot perfecto.

In the end 3 of the Frenchies decided on sleeping outside which meant we could have slept on the bed but number 4 Frenchman did not seem too hospitable so we slept on mattresses on the floor, not the most comfortable nights sleep.


Categories: Summer 2013, The Project Tags: Tags:

Prepare to climb

We have been wanting to climb the ridge between Mt Rouche and Cap Ruhos for over a year. Decision made to go on Wednesday afternon up to the Cabane below the sumit of Mt Rouche. Today is all about prepartion both in terms of kit, and food, but also some of those little jobs to get done before we go.

Started early with sorting out some of the garden and cutting logs for the fires in teh main barn.

Then the normal internet session sorting out Ski Breezy emails and website stuff.

Breezy also had some time slots to talk to her friends and her Father on Skype.

Breezy drove the van up to the old mine above Salau and cycled back so that when we finsh walking on Thursday we don’t have to do the final few kilometers of road back to the barn.

After lunch we gathered overnight kit together and packed rucksacks with ropes and harnesses (just incase). Some more odd jobs and then a bit of a cookfest in the early evening preparing sandwich fillings and also a sausage, rice and vegetable, one pot meal for Wednesday night at the cabane.

Categories: Summer 2013

New Wall indoors

It would appear that this is the year for wall building. As the weather was not so good we decided to crack on with the internal walls downstairs. This time it is the wall dividing the pantry and the second bedroom.

Started with cutting down an old kitchen cupboard carcas to fit into the ceiling as wall units then started a frame underneath to accept some of the reclaimed pario doors gleaned from Chamonix.

It was a little fiddly as the floor and the ceiling are not perpendicular but as we progresed more and more salvaged stuff went into it.

The finished effect is a bit like being in an old wooden railway carriage, but it should profit from the light of the window in the pantry and the main door.

An early night!

Categories: Summer 2013

Long Lunch

Started the day preparing food and spent most of the day eating it. Blue skies and sun for a BBQ lunch on the terrace with Clive, Giselle and the kids.

Nachos & salsa, toasted pittas and peanut dip, pork spare ribs in a caremelised BBQ sauce, sweet chilli chicken thighs, chipolatas, green salad from the garden, bean salad, new potatos, local cheeses, chocolate pots, yoghurt and apple cake and a fair amount of wine and water.

Categories: Summer 2013

Electrical Storm has Scared away the Mouse!

An amazing electrical storm last night which went on for ages and we could watch it from our bed until we fell asleep. Think it has scared the mouse away which has sneakily found its way into the roof. Al has popped some magic blue pills up through the down lighters and we hope that has sorted that problem!!!!

I was asleep by 10pm and slept till 730am a complete bonus feel refreshed and Al’s hands much better today too.

So brekky and down the valley, laundry, coffee and then food shop and home. Stopped with Rene and Anouk for coffee and a giggle before heading back to the barn in sunshine.

Laundry on the line and food in the fridge before Al had left over paella and I had a salad for lunch.

Veggies  picked, sink pipe  fettled, wood cut and put in place in bedroom 2, plasterboard up, cake made for tomorrow, marinades done, dressings made and now rose in hand ready to enjoy the BBQ sword fish . We so enjoyed it last week we thought why not have it again!!!!

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project