Category: Summer 2013

New guest

Now this has happened a couple of times now and it is slightly alarming. At 0630 we both woke up to the sound of tiny feet on the insulation in the roof. We think that there is only one animal but it either has to go or start wearing slippers indoors.

Considering that we went to great lengths to mesh off the eaves when we put the ceilings in and that the gable ends are capped in concrete between the beams, I don’t know how the critter is getting in.

Fortunately we can drop the downlighters out and pop odd bits of poison into the roof space, so that is what we have done.

Friday LunchLate breakfast and an amble up to the waterfalls with Anne. I went to the 1st one and Breezy and Anne went onto the next while I pottered about the barn.

Lovely lunch of bread, cheese, pate and salad on teh terrace before Breezy gave Anne a lift down the piste to her car about 1600.

Showers, BBQ ribs and a random film, then it’s the weekend.

Shopping tomorrow!

Categories: Summer 2013

Catch up and chill

It seems like we have been on the go for a couple of weeks now. Early mornings with a stint outdoors in the cool before breakfast once the sune hits. Then a list of jobs during the day or feeding Clive rocks and mortar. Finish late, shower, food, internet and bed.

We have not made time to put tools away, sharpen knives, sweep up or even just sit.

Raised bed wingsToday we are expecting Anne to come and stay so it’s a good excues to do all the things taht we have neglected over teh last couple of weeks. Hoover and mop upstairs, open up the outhouse and air it, light the fire outside and clear all the cardboard and paper out, weed the garden, shift the reamining cement and sweep the porch. Had a great day doing all the little things.

Breezy sorted out an old crate as a log box for the Yotul stove near the kitchen. We found that we have a load of cucumbers in the garden so no need to buy any more of them (as we go through 2 a week). Got loads of runner beans coming so chutney may be on the cards again?

paellaAnne arrived around 1700 so we prepared a paella while she got settled in. Had a lovely evening chatting on the terrace until the moon came up and after the moon had gone back behind the mountains.


Categories: Summer 2013

Clear up

Having topped off the wall yesterday all that remains is to point up the top surface between the stones and clear up.

In no particular order:

  • Shift the remaining sand up to behind the last ruin
  • Shift the remaining huge boulders down to the front terrace
  • Take down the scaffolding and pack it into Clives van
  • Sort out tools, who’s is who’s and take all Clives kit down for him to take back

So the plan was to get all taht done in the morning and then to backfill the terrace in the afternoon. Unfortunately Clive tweeked his back first thing so it was decided to knock the backfilling on the head and give him the afternoon to see if he could get his back looked at by the Osteo in the village.

This was actually a bit of a good thing for us as we are both tired. Clive set off to take the scaff back while Breezy and I sorted tools and equipment out for Clive to come back for the second trip.

Cows on the piste

I just got down to the parking when a load of loose cows appeared on the piste as Clive turned up.

Smoked salmon salad for lunch; a little lie down and off down to Seix to pick up some odd groceries. Called in with Alison & Peter on the way back and also Anouk at the Auberge in Salau.

Scrabble on the terrace

Scrabble on the terrace

Steaks on the BBQ after a game of scrabble on the terrace.

Categories: Summer 2013

The end of the WALL!!!


Actually managed to get a lie in until 0730 as we are nearing the end of the wall and there is little preparation to do before Clive turns up.

Less than 2 foot of wall to go but going is much slower as the steel reinforcement goes in and the stones are selected carefully. Also the wall has two visible faces so the stones have to be “facers” on both sides.

Finally finished in the drizzle at 1850hrs and Clive shot off for his supper.

Pork curry and an open fire.

The End!

Categories: Summer 2013

More wall

Monday morning and the alarm went off at 0645 again. Now eagerly anticipating the end of walling.

Morning of walling in the sun with Clive while Breezy made a cake and some rhubarb chutney.

Over lunch I sorted out the 3 waste pipes to get burried under the terrace between the building and the new wall.

After lunch Clive came in the flatbed truck with another ton of sand. That got loaded straight into transporter and mucktruck and deposited beside the mixer. Half an hour of backfilling before the thunder, lightening and fat rain started. Quickly covered the wall with a tarpauline and scuttled inside for a cup of tea.

The rest of teh day was written off so Clive went home.

Tai Curry and open fire evening.

Categories: Summer 2013


A slow morning for me, struggling to move and pain levels fairly high. Sun came out mid morning so I finally got going and Al pottered on again with prep work for Monday and knocking a work proposal out the door as well.  I managed to varnish an old crate for another log box to go in the kitchen.

Lee and Suzie arrived just before lunch with a troop of friends and kids to find some swimming holes in the river with a picnic lunch. Caught up with them which was lovely and will try and get them up for a BBQ before they head back in a month.

Lee helped Al get a huge log up from down by the river and shared ideas on tree felling.

We had a late lunch of pate and bread on the terrace. I went back to horizontal and Al carried on. Very hot showers and then down to the village for RDV with Francois and Al had a much deserved couple of beers with the locals.

All tweaked and we trundled back up the hill for supper outside a glorious evening. BBQed duck and salad before bed.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

Another Shop Day!

Leisurely start before heading down the valley to do the usual DIY run, laundry and food shop. Al managed to get hold of his parents and Andy for a good catch up so that was good and we also had time for a coffee while the washing was on.

Quick fill up of fuel and then food shopped for the week and back up the valley. Made a RDV with Francoise the osteo for my back on Sun pm. She had a fairly full on week end so I was happy she could fit me in at all.

Back to the barn laundry out to dry, food unloaded etc. Al pottered on the in the afternoon and I mainly lay flat! not in a great way!! That will teach me for trying to keep up with the strong boys!

We did have a wonderful supper though out on the terrace marinaded swordfish a recipe which  I snaffled from a great friend of Mum and Dad’s Anne Swan and it was delicious. Find it in the recipe section. Al cooked it to perfection and we sat sipping rose and enjoying it with salad and fresh bread.  Then bed!

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

More Wall

Another glorious day. Al and I got everything prepared before Clive arrived and then it was full steam ahead again…..wall seemed to go up pretty quickly and the afternoon was put aside for back filling. More supplies brought up at lunch time before a lovely salad lunch on the terrace.

Clive returned after lunch with the family as helpers! Buckets of soil filled from below the scaffolding then hosited up to the wall, tipped over and then filled in. From the piste I think some of the walkers may have thought it was a slave labour camp! After an hour it was mainly done as was my back which had packed in yet again. So Clive, Al and Giselle finished off the afternoon’s work till 630pm. Beers on the terrace whilst the kids played in the river. Then supper and bed!

Clive is going to get another tonne of sand which he hopes will see us through for the last 2 days.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project


It’s rained and the water butts are full again. I guess that they were down to about a quarter full or less. Overnight we have caught about 1,500 litres and that is only off 25% of the roof. So we don’t have to go get river water for the mortar mixing.

Unfortunately the rain is continuing which means no progress on the wall.

I went off in the van to pick up more cement from St Girons and left Breezy in the barn working on Ski Breezy stuff and emails. I got back at noon and Breezy was still tapping away at her keyboard getting emails out to clients.

Lunch was salad and ham then I started a proposal for a client in the Netherlands while Breezy made some redcurrant jelly with the fruit from the garden. Minor catastroph when clicking down a lid of a jar and redcurrent jelly coated the worktop, floor and us.

Game of scrabble before sausage supper and a hand of cards before bed.

Categories: Summer 2013

Leeks A La Greque

John and Shirley gave me a lovely cook book last year “The Contented Cook” and I found this recipe in it. We both loved it, very simple and went perfectly with all our home grown veg and the lamb chops we had for dinner.

Leeks cut into 5 inch lengths and steamed.

Make a dressing

1tbps red wine vinegar

1tbsp grain mustard

1tbsp dijon mustard

5tbsp olive oil


Chopped parsley to garnish.

Once leeks are steamed, cut in half and arrange on serving dish.

Pour dressing over it and then sprinkle with chopped parsley.
