The last few days
Tuesday 30th June
We have promised ourselves we will not go flat out this year and take things a little steadier…..
Forecast is for a heatwave for the next 2 weeks so outdoor jobs need to be done early in the am before we over heat!
Main jobs for the day were to start strimming the pathways and terraces which are all somewhat jungle like. To unpack and remember what we have and have not got. To go collect the new batteries from the auberge and stock up with water and to get the fridge working, with the temperatures predicted we are going to need a fridge!
After breakfast on the terrace, strimming and a little unpacking we headed to the auberge. Had coffee with Rene and Anouk, collected the 2 very heavy batteries and headed back up to the barn.
Managed to get both batteries carefully balanced on the muck truck and up to the barn. That was good but having the wrong connection cables means we cant link them together yet which we should really do to keep both batteries running at the same level. So Al managed to get enough power from the old battery to get the fridge running and we will survive without lights till we get the right cables. Bit of a pain but not the end of the world.
Hot hot showers, needing to add cold water to the solar bags and then a lovely roast chicken and salad for supper.
Weds 1st July
A VERY windy night, solar panels had taken a tumble and the wind kept gusting all day.
We did an hour of strimming before brekky and raked up most of the grass from the back terrace at the same time.
Enjoying our breakfast on the terrace. The new table, chairs and parasol are perfect for the 2 of us and will get loads of use.
We cracked on with sorting out the veg patch after brekky and it was really not too bad after a very good weed in May when we were here last. Lots of things have taken, potatoes, radishes, broccoli, beans, courgettes, red and black currants, goose gogs, etc etc. so hoping we can enjoy what we have planted in due course.
It was so hot we moved inside to start building the door frame for the green bedroom. Lack of power tools stopped that after an hourish.
We finished the day with planting some new veggies before having a salad for supper.
Thurs 2nd July
SHOP day…..Al did a quick strim session whilst I got sorted for things to take down the valley a quick brekky before heading off with our long list of things to do.
We stopped at Seix market on the way and collected some plants for the garden.
The usual fly around and try to get all done before midday and everything closes.
Collected the generator and it works a good start, materials from the DIY shop, laundry in, food shop, bought the scythe that Dad had given Al as a birthday pressie last year. Then back up the valley stocked up on lots of water and then unloaded in time for a late lunch at 3pm.
Hung all the washing out only for the wind to gust so much that it snapped so all washing now strewn all over the terrace trying to dry it!!!!
Delicious prawns and aioli on the terrace.
We prepped the toilet flue which broke last year but decided it was too hot to put it up and too windy to climb a ladder so will wait till it is cooler and calmer tomorrow.
Dad had given us some curtains he had found which Elsie had altered for us, we put up a rail and got them in situ look great and fit perfectly so thanks Dad!
Al made some meatballs and I made a spicy tomato sauce to go with them which was a nice change.
Friday 3rd July
It seemed a bit cooler and was really blowing a hoolie still so we thought ideal time to do the dreaded bracken, which we had got under control but not being here for 18 months it has gone a bit wild again. Al tackled it with the scythe and I wielded the brush cutter. One. tank of fuel and we were almost there, could not believe it. Hard work but after brekky we just decided to crack on and get it finished as there were so few horse flies about with the wind making it much easier work. Had enough petrol to finish off back terrace and around the log pile one big tick off the list! We had both been dreading the bracken……
With this constant wind we have attached the solar panels more securely to the crates out the back so hopefully they will not tip over again.
We really want to finish one of the bedrooms before the Breese gang arrive so after a yummy chicken and crouton salad we managed to get the door frame up and in place and the corner post also sorted. It all went far too smoothly. Helps having a generator that works and power tools which are charged up! Looking good.
We have been on a healthy eating and no booze since we got back but as it was Friday and we were pleased with progress we thought we would have Rene and Anouks bottle of champers on the terrace with homemade burgers and a new very delicious lentil salad recipe with cumin, spinach, mango chutney and some other weird things but it worked. Enough for 4 people but none left by the end of the night. I had made a rhubarb and almond cake which was still warm and we had that for pudding. Perfect finale to a lovely day.
- Salad Lunch
- From Rene & Anouk
- Roses
- Bust washing line
- Poo Pipe Vent
- Home made Burgers
- New Curtains
- Bedroon doors in