Productive Day
Guess what…??? It was raining again when we woke up. So we planned the day to get the last bit of the back wall sorted. Full steam ahead when we got there and we had an excellent day, the rain stopped for most of it which was a bonus so we got loads ticked off the list of things to do before we leave on Friday.
We managed to get the back wall all sorted by 1pm ish which was fab. The pulley system to get buckets of cement up saved lots of time. With the left over cement we filled in the outside holes where we have the pipes coming out of the annex and a few holes inside the building too. We had also started a fire to get rid of the rotten wood which burned easily all day and cleared up another pile at the back of the barn.
Lunch in the sun about 2.30pm and then just as we had decided to tackle the wood pile, the heavens opened….so we sorted out the security of the gable end window. It is now very secure with bolts both into the slate slab below and the beam above as well as the previous central bar. We hope this will deter petty theft.
The rain stopped and we finished off clearing the wood, chopping it into logs and stacking it to dry out for use at a later stage. The final challenge of the day was to get a HUGE rock out of the ground at the back and on to the old wall. It looked like it was going to take ages but actually only ended up taking 15 minutes.
We retired to the bar covered in ash, saw dust and cement for a quick drink before back to the apartment for food, scrabble and bed.
The most productive day yet, at least I thought so.
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