Market & more slate

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26th May

Market Day….off we headed to St Girons in the rain.

We had a few things to buy, mainly cement as we had run out for completion of the bridge hopefully tomorrow. Can’t seem to get the chainsaw looked at so may have to take it back to Chamonix and try and get someone there to give it a service so that it actually works!!

Opened up accounts, food shop and lovely cheese shopping at the market.

If anyone intends to visit you need to make sure you are around for a Saturday morning as it is a brilliant French local market with loads of goodies.

Paella from the market for lunch before heading up for an afternoon of work.

We removed the final bit of manure from around the main poles.

Then on to window making. It looks great that we now have all entrances secured and with the old style of barn doors in keeping with the area.


We had a visit from Pierre (Joel’s friend) with a photo of the barn 15 odd years ago. Sadly it still had the tin roof on then we were hoping for a picky as it stood with the old slate roof. Anyway he had good news that he had spoken to the owner of the Grange down the road and said we could go and collect the slates for nothing. A huge pile. He was more than happy to help with shifting it all in his 4WD. Yeah. Think we will wait for a dumper truck before we start; lugging it up from the bridge to the top terrace….maybe wait for Monti Bianco’s next visit. We know how much you loved that job!!!

Caught up with the locals in the bar for a quick rose then home. A good productive day.

Categories: Spring 2007, The Project

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