Crackin’ on
With just over a week or so left before we head back to Chamonix on route to the UK, there seems to be a bit of a spurt on to get things ticked on lists. Different people to see, jobs to do and internet stuff to get sorted.
As per usual we booted up the computers and sat bashing away at the keyboards before breakfast of fresh fruit and yoghurt.
The jobs list started with tiling the porch. The tiles were the free ones we salvaged from Chamonix last winter and the glue was left over from the first porch. It would not last until next year so it makes sence to use it now. And we had just enough glue for the job.
Next up is the tree, or should I say next is up the tree. Chainsaw trousers, helmet, ropes, slings, harness and steel toe cap boots; oh… and a chainsaw. Top came down in one 3m length followed by two more 1.5m lengths. They hit the ground with quite a thud.
Late lunch and Breezy picked up the strimmer while I fettled the steps up from the new terrace. The strimming is to cut the small bracken shoots in the meadow. We have an annual battle with the bracken but slowly it is getting weaker so hopefully we are winning.
Finished with a forage for blackberries for Breezy to make a tart with. Hot shower (not down to solar action) and a cuppa tea.