Goodlad Family Visit the Pyrenees

The last time Kate had seen the barn only half the first floor boards were in place, no stairs or pointing was done and she ate in the Naughty Corner (small building out the front). In fact the Naughty Corner was named when Kate was here, but that’s another story.
So when Kate turned up with Bruce and the kids there was quite a difference.
A treasure hunt for the kids while we got some drinks out. Paella the first night and preparation for a hike to Spain the next day. 1000m of up would be further than either of the kids had walked to date. We set off early to beat the heat and made it to the Port de Salau for a picnic lunch. There was a shepherdess at the Col with her flock and 3 Pattu. We were introduced to Luna, Bruna and Blanca and escorted through to the Spanish side of the frontier. Breezy and 7 year old Anna raced down the hill and got the kettle going for some tea at the barn. A few games and BBQ burgers, sausages and salads.
Day two was a wet morning so games indoors and a cooking lesson from Breezy. The afternoon cleared up for a bike ride into the village, boules around the church and a drink at the bar. Duck with salad and sweet potato fries.
Sadly Kate, Bruce and the kids left the next day after gathering all their belongings and a veritable kit explosion as the camper was repacked for their next stage of their Pyrenees adventure.
Truly loved having you all; let’s make sure it’s not so long between visits.