The Little Things

Another summer under our belts in the Pyrenees. This year has not seen the big dramatic changes of previous years, but it is the little things that make such a difference now.
- Water coming out of a tap upstairs inside the building. Not only that but it landing in a sink, flowing down the plug hole and exiting the building.
- Pictures on the walls.
- You can now enter the barn and take your shoes off at the door and don slippers. Gone are the days when protective clothes were required indoors as it was dirtier than outside.
Breezy and I were chatting through highlights of the season the other day and a few things cropped up.
- Definitely getting away for a couple of nights when the weather is suitable to explore further afield. Spain is a couple of hours drive away or a day’s hike. It is so different and the do tapas and Cava.
- Having space for visitors. It has been a very social summer and it has been great to share the barn with old friends and newbies who have never seen it before like George and Emily.
- Learning to identify a handful of new mushrooms and increasing our repetoire. Plus exploring some new areas of the vallies around us and finding fresh shrooming spots.
Before we headed up to Chamonix we ordered a cherry tree in St Girons and arranged for Rene & Anouk at the Auberge in Salau to pick it up and plant it at the barn.
- On route
- In the ground
- Strawbs looking good
The tree is now in and we are looking forward to beautiful pink flowers and fruit in years to come. The strawberries are still going strong in the raised beds too.