Last visitors of the summer

Simon and Lucy started their road trip to Spain by visiting us on the French side of the Pyrenees. Originally clients at the chalet in Chamonix, they have turned into great friends.
Just three nights at the barn, two full days of getting out and about. First day we set off from the barn up to the Spanish border at Port de Salau. Simon turned round at one point and said that we had not seen any birds of prey. Five minutes later, vultures poured in from every angle and descended on to a recently dead cow. Amazing views of vultures in flight (a kettle), feeding (a wake) and sitting about waiting their turn (a committee). Near to col we found what has turned out to be an Oxen shoe. Lucy posted photos on a forum on the web and got several people confirm its identity.
Day two was a more sedate walk, picnic and swim by the river and a game of boule on the way home at Seix.

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