So since Scotty’s visit we have been doing lots of bits and pieces. One of the main jobs to get done before Cornwall is to get enough rocks for the wall we are planning to build with Clive on our return. Rene and Anouk said we can take the rocks that have been stacked outside theirs so this has involved lots of trips down with the trailer until the trailer’s axle broke! Again Rene and Anouk to the rescue with letting us borrow their trailer. It has been hot work which is fine but the pesky horse flies have been out in force so there has not been much hanging about! Anyway all rocks up and semi ordered now and looking like we may just have enough with a few more stashes from around the barn.
Also we were keen to get a foundation dug for the wall which we have roughly achieved now so almost set for beginning the wall just need a sand delivery and get that up the hill and we are off!
Lots of fruit ripe for picking so gooseberry and Rhubarb Jam, Red Currant Jelly, Black Currant Jam all been made for the winter guests.
Al recuperated some Oak Cupboard doors a long time ago and had in mind to create a large mirror for the pantry. The enormous mirror from the ghetto apartment when we re-vamped the place was used. Managed to get it cut in half to fit both sides and then a bit of mixing and matching and we have a great mirror for the pantry, just waiting to hang it depending on where units all end up. Looks really good though.
We are lacking reading lamps upstairs for the main sofa so we have started to sort this out. A couple of spots being sorted into the beams, Al sorting the electrics for that and should make a huge difference come autumn time when we are inside at night more frequently.
Apart from that lots of yummy food as always, red mullet, cod with chorizzo lentils, Smoked mackerel salad with walnut and citrus dressing, Sri Lankan curried chicken and hopefully egg hoppers by the end of the week end!
- Not just fruit & veg