Well our quarantine time flew by which was great and we had fab weather too which definitely is a huge bonus.
We have had one trip to St Girons since we were allowed off the land and that was fairly busy with the usual large load of laundry, DIY, garden and food list. Things take time with queues etc and even though we left at 830am not back till 230pm for a late lunch of prawns on the terrace in the sun. Quite enjoyed having someone else do our shopping!!!
Life is simple here and we are in no real routine except coffee in bed for an hour in the morning whilst I do my Spanish studying and Al reads his Cabin Porn book! and then we tackle the cryptic crossword for 30 mins and usually manage to get a few clues solved it’s a slow process for us but fun!!!!
So as the sun has been shining we have been out in the garden all the time which has been fab. Shorts and T Shirts, brekky in the sun after an hours work before it was getting too hot to strim and then decide on what little chores we should do for the day before a late lunch around 2pm on the terrace, exercises back ones for me and then core stability for both of us and then off for our hourly walk! We are still restricted so have been exploring all the hidden paths around the barn keeping mainly in bounds. Have seen loads of fab spring flowers popping up and lots of beautiful wild orchids on our little explores so more of nature trail walks than yomps!!! Looking forward to getting into the big mountains again soon.
In the garden we have got most things under control, lots planted both plant wise and veggie wise and we have protected all the edible things from the deer this year so more of a chance of having more homegrown produce which will be fab. Unless the moles get them. They have dug a total warren out the back and makes like an obstacle course falling down all the holes each time we are out there!
Lots of colour about the place, Dad’s rose climbers on the front wall are incredible and just a mass of buds at the moment about to come out in full force, tubs are planted up, irises are out and amazing colour and our crazy yellow and red tulips could have won a prize we thought anyway! New hanging baskets in place, long tubs made to hang near the shower area so a blaze of colour there too.
This year most things have been grown from seed, (since we wont be traveling off anywhere this spring time) so we have made some cloches to help them on their way. Have a few more to make.
Birds are nesting in our bird boxes which is also pretty cool but no sign of owls in the owl box we made last year.
The new outdoor shower is getting a lot of use and the views from it are amazing, we still need to make a proper soak away for it but not a nice job so it keeps moving down the list!
Al got stuck into wall building down near the “Naughty Corner” and it is now waiting for some small shrubs to go in there. It was a lot of digging out of tree roots, nettles and brambles. Followed by Al building the wall. I can’t cut a loaf of bread straight so not a chance of a straight wall from me!!! He’s done a grand job and hoping we can now get some shrubs in there just deciding what….Keith maybe your forsythia cuttings which you gave us and are looking very happy at the moment will do the trick.
Other small jobs have been making coat hangars to put up on the walls in the porch/pantry area, creating a unit to house all our water bottles instead of having them strewn all over the place driving us nuts! making supports for the lupins and other flowers in the garden.
We have started copicing along the terrace to the tree house platform but as fires are banned for now we have stopped work on that till we can get some of it burnt.
I have been having fun in the kitchen too, making lots of veggie food from new cook books, breads, dairy free puds for Al, new chicken and fish recipes and the occassional new soup on wet days like today. Rest of the time its delicious salads with more goodies than greenery just as Dad likes them!!!! Next week is new lamb ideas and more new veggie fodder. We are lucky to have a very well stocked dry food cupboard so can make a meal very easily when fresh supplies are low. It’s been fun making do with what we have and making a tasty meal each night.
If anybody is wondering what to do with too many courgettes, I have a winner of a bread sort of made up seeded bread with courgettes and goats cheese truly scrummy!!!
Days fly by and we never seem to stop. With wet weather today though it is an indoor e mail, blog, photo catch up day with the fire on and some homemade soup for lunch. Life could be worse!
- Dry stone walling
- Start of the wall
- Gentiene
- Orchid leaf
- View from the shower
- Outdoor shower
- Orchid
- Outdoor shower
- View of the barn and Port de Salau
- Paella
- Green gecko
- Soda bread
- Path in the forest
- View of the barn and Port de Salau
- Gentiene
- Tulip
- View from the shower