After a short (comparatively) internet session we cleared part of the floorboards on the 1st floor ready to varnish. Earlier this year we only got so far before running out of varnish. Having been back to the UK, Crazy Ken did some shopping for us and we trundled around France for a week with 2 x 5ltr tins of varnish, 25m of 3 core and earth electicity cable, several pull chord switches and a jam pan.  Anyway we are slowly putting another couple of coats of varnish on the parquet floor upstairs. Once hoovered, scrubbed and mopped Breezy applied a coat of the stuff while I got the fire going in preparation for some chopping of trees.
A couple of hours coppicing in the heat of the day produced very few logs for the log pile, a lot of heat in the fire and quite an oppening in teh woods. brefore we leave we would like to get another line of logs on the pile seasoning for a couple of years before burning.
After a salad lunch we set about filling some of the joints in the internal walls we put up ages ago and I did some wiring for lighting and electic points.
Once the varnish was dry we rearanged the furniture again and loaded up the log box. Hot showers under the tree without having to add hot water to the solar sacks and then a mushroom hunt. Came back witha nother load of pied de mouton (hedgehog fungus) and a fantastic birch bolet. Looking like it may be a wild mushroom omlette this evening with salad from the garden.