Tag: Hiking

Birthday Hike, Pink Fizz and Bottles of Prosecco!!!

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Another blue sky day perfect way to celebrate my birthday. After brekky, cards and pressie opening  we did a car drop and then headed in Vinnie up to the mine and headed up to Col de Crusous 2267m which is a steep 2 hours hike up. The ridge over to above Rouze is something we have wanted to do for a long time. Once up FAB views and a great hike all the way across to Soubirou 2277m where we could see the barn. Sauze’s camera has an amazing lens so got some piccys of it in the distance from the peak.

Sauze had carried a bottle of fizz up the hill for us all so we popped that at the top and had butties and flapjack. Saw one lone Issard on the way up and loads of purple autumn crocuses.

Still a long way to walk after lunch but mainly it was down gradually to the Col de la Serre de Cot and a steepish walk back down to Rouze where Sauze’s car was for a lift back.

Fab day.

Back to the barn,  girls braved the river with much noise, hot shower was a better option for us though!!!!

Prosecco began to flow with nibbles on the top terrace, noise levels got louder and then Al cooked us a delicious prawn and anchovy pasta and salad. Some amusing bananagrams going on from the girls whilst Al was cooking.

Chocolate tart with candles had made it’s way down from Chamonix too.

Many a giggle till gone midnight before crashing!!!

A FAB way to spend my birthday. Thank you Al, Sauze and Kate for making it so much fun.

Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Pic de Fonta

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The forecast was good for today so we planned another walk to explore another part of our little paradise.

We had a couple of hours before leaving sorting out Ski Breezy e mails comme d’hab! and making some butties for our walk. We left the barn about 915am.

On the way down we passed Clive who had some kitchen cupboards for us to look at as he has been ripping out a kitchen in Couflens. We looked at them and decided they would be useful so probably pick them up tomorrow.

We climbed up in Vinnie to just beyond Raufaste and parked Vinnie. A very steep and hot climb up to Pic de Fonta and incredible views. A real 360 degree panorama and fantastic views of Mont Valier. Also good views of the Soubirou ridge which is on the other side of the valley which we want to explore too.

Under 2 hours and 900m later we were at the summit. The ridge we had spied when walking with Dad before so although no official path we decided to give it a whirl. Only one very small part of down climbing, a little exposure but not too bad giving great views and a very steep descent towards Col de la Pause.

We had a good lunch spot overlooking Valier before descending, knees taking a pounding most of the way. Round trip was just about 4.5 hours and more than likely one we will do again.

We stopped at the Auberge for some cold drinks to take away and to collect post then back to the barn for much needed hot showers.

We had time to measure up windows, shutters and amount of surface area that needs tiling downstairs, next year. Tiles in Italy are a great deal cheaper so may pop through when in Chamonix and see what they have on offer.

A brief shower but still really warm. Internet, pasta surprise and more of Sauze’s Christmas pressie we hope. Planet Earth DVD collection, if you want to see great photography, wildfire and nature it is a must. There are 5 DVD’s each with 6 one hour slots so should keep us amused in the colder months here!! Thanks Matey, almost as hooked as Spooks!!!!!

Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Fi s birthday

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Having already done the internet thing, washed up from the night before and made sandwiches Breezy took Fi a mug of tea. We headed out in the van to the Lac Bethmale on the other side of Col de la Core. From there we followed the GR10 up to Cabane D’Eliet and up to the lakes, Etang d’Ayes and Etang de Bellonguere. From there we headed up Pic de Montgarie before descending back to the van.

On the way through the woods we got quite excited when we discovered and collected a load of slightly fury bolet mushrooms. Breezy even found a small cep.

Picked up some bread and postcards in Siex on the way back to the barn before opening a bottle of fizz up in the trees to celebrate Fiâ’s birthday. The mystery bolets turned out to be edible, called the old man of the woods but don’t taste of anything; so we junked then and put the cep out to dry. Smoked duck for supps and a lovely cheese board.

Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Port de Salau

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Alarm went off at 7am giving Breezy and I a bit of time to sort out emails ad internet before a quick breakfast with Fi, making a packed lunch and setting off from the barn. Blue sky everywhere. Reached to Col and had lunch and then turned around to return. Stopped at the Cascade Leziou on the way down.

Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Cirque D’Anglade

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Fi seems to have survived the night sleeping in the barn with no visitations from creatures of any type….phew.

Not a great day weather wise, cloud was quite low but due to improve later in the day. So after brekky we opted to do 2 hours of pointing before heading off with a picnic lunch to Cirque D’Anglade. We had a good walk up and the highlight being when we stopped for lunch watching between 20 and 30 chamois scramble around the steep, steep hillsides, they were amazing.

A little mushrooming on the way back down but did not find anything on the edible front.

We spent 40 minutes brushing off the walls which we had pointed in the morning before opening the wine after showers.

Cards outside and then BBQed lamb with salad. We got the fire going and ate inside as the temperature drops quickly as soon as the sun goes down.

Fi had never seen Saving Grace so we watched that and all had a good chortle.

Forecast is good for the rest of Fi’s stay so we hope to head to Port de Salau tomorrow and wave to Spain.

Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Col de la Serre du Cot and Stevie Blown Away!!!

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Hans was having a day off to spend with Claire so we decided to do the same.

The forecast was for a dry day even if cloudy.

So after brekky in the sun, cats and washing we drove up to Rouze at 963m and started the steep climb and muddy climb up to the Col. Through some nice woodland and good climbing weather as not too hot. An hour and we were at the Col just out of cloud level but not hanging about weather. Some mysterious views with all the cloud hanging about.

We traversed across to Col des Portes where the route finding fun began.

Managed a picnic on some dry rocks just above the stream and that was pretty much the last of the paths we saw until 10 minutes from the end!!!! All good fun, straight down through bilberries galore, then back into the woods which were not dense but just a tad slippy. We made it back with somewhat soaking feet but grins nonetheless. Glad we did not start that way round though.

Back to Vinnie and then hot indoor showers at Clives before well earned beers at the auberge.

Weather was warmish and dry so we opted for a BBQ while we could.

I made up some salads, Stevie in control on the BBQ and Al caught up on the blog.

A lovely evening with bangers, burgers, cous cous salad and other salads too. A bit more of the plum tart for pudd. Sat around the brasier for a bit before we all headed to bed hoping for a good night’s kip….

2am the wind was really howling and a large knock on the door. Stevie was being blown away in the tent. So everyone up, rescued the kit and got the tent down and Stevie moved into the barn.

Hopefully the solar panels have survived as they took a tumble, they look alright but we will see in the morning.

Back to bed for a few more hours.


Categories: Summer 2011, The Project Tags: Tags:

Breezy’s Birthday


Every Birthday should start with opening cards in bed, and this was no exception. I even got Breezy a fizzy water with grapefruit cordial to sup while she did the cards.

Packed lunch, flask of tea and a few other bits and pieces and we set off to Col de la Core to start a walk. A steep climb up to Cap Ner and scramble on to L'Aubague and onto Tuc D'Eychelle. Fantastic views off both sides of the ridge and a snack before descending to Cabane D'Eychelle on grassy slopes. Had lunch before gaining the GR10 and descending back to the van through the trees.


Blue skies escorted us all day even though there was snow on the summits. Will definitely head back there for some more exploring as it is a beautiful area. The Cabane sleeps 4 and is very basic with a couple of pans and an open fire. Wood would have to be collected and taken in but if using the GR10 that would be easy.


On the way back we had to hunt down a couple of beef steaks as that was Breezy's wish for her Birthday supper. The butcher in Seix was on holiday and close so we went to Oust. The butcher there is great. Loads of choice and good looking meat. Will definitely go there again.

Called in at Clive's to check the house over while they are away then back to the barn for some Blanquette de Limoux and Bezique. Picked up a couple of bollet mushrooms on route to go with the steaks.

Categories: Summer 2010, The Project Tags: Tags:

Mont Rouche

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Woke up this morning in a cold cabin under Mont Rouche. After a couple of cups of tea and a
cereal bar we set off. More steep climbing up grass to start and then up onto boulders and scree.

Summit Mont RoucheSummit Mont Rouche   

The views from the summit were spectacular from Mont Valier and Port Salau on one side right accross to Andorra on the other. A brief look at the maps to fill in gaps in our knowledege of the Pyrenees and off back down the hill.

Lunch back at the cabin and down towards the treeline. Picked some myrtilles for a tart on route and found some trompette du mort (horn of plenty) in the woods. I was delighted as I have wanted to find some for ages. They are now strung up in the outbuilding to dry. After that I slipped on the path down and took a more direct rout down the river with a little less control than before. Breezy was not ammused and a little shaken by my departure from the track. Nothing damaged we resumed our trundle back to the barn.

Solar up to 58% and no visitation from the mouse. Maybe it was mortally wounded on it's encounter with the trap a couple of days ago???

Categories: Summer 2010, The Project Tags: Tags:

Refuge Bassies Day 2

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After a reasonable nights sleep with not too much snoring going on in the dorm we woke to see the sun just coming up over the etangs. Brekky and packed up before we headed up quite steeply to the Port Bassies on past Etang D’Alate and then dropping down to the Port Saleix.


It was early still and I was keen to make a bit more of a day of it than hop back to the van. So persuaded Al to yomp up another peak to Pic de Girantes and continue around the horseshoe ridge and then back to the car.

We had a quick lunch on the ridge but there was a cool wind so we did not hang around. Fantastic views from Pic de Girantes giving an amazingly clear view of the Pyrenees and we are gradually beginning to recognise some of the peaks which is good.


We trundled back to Salau. Dad called on the way which was perfect timing so had a good chat with him between all his hols.

Saw Annie on the way and she has only a couple of days left of work before visiting her son in Japan so she was very excited.

Back to the barn and we found a courgette by the door so we knew Alison and Peter were about. Unpacked and got sorted before heading to the Auberge for a drink with A & P, good to catch up with them and hear all their news.

Al cooked an excellent pasta dish out of very little as the cupboards are bare!! We were tired so were in bed by 930pm BLISS!

Categories: Summer 2010, The Project Tags: Tags:

Refuge Bassies Day 1

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An early start for us as we wanted to get going early for the walk as it was quite a big day ahead.

Made lunches had brekky and out the door by 7.15am and it was looking clear.

We headed over to just the other side of Aulus Les Bains and climbed up to 1400m where we left Vinnie and headed off towards Pique Rouges des Bassies. We were in the shade for the first 1.5 hours up to the Col de la Fouze. After that we were in the sun for the rest of the day but there was quite a coolish wind at times. Perfect walking weather.


We followed the ridge along until we met the junction for the etangs. From there it was just another 45minute climb to the summit which had a light dusting of new snow on it. WOW what incredible views we got from there. We had a long lunch taking in the view and working out which peak was what etc.

Then it was down towards the lovely Etangs des Lavants de L’escale where we had a cuppa before continuing on down to the refuge. A lovely setting for a refuge and really popular with fishermen too so a good atmosphere in the evening.


Cards before dinner which was pretty good except for the pud which was rather like a solid lemon fairy liquid disaster!!! Shared dinner with a French couple and a German OAP who has been living in Ireland for the last 30 years and is doing the last stint of the GR10 which traverses The Pyrenees, pretty good going. A great day and we were so lucky with the weather.

Categories: Summer 2010, The Project Tags: Tags: