

I know there is a theory of JDI or “Just Do It” but we are definitely list people. I generally have one list with everything on a single sheet where Breezy will prefer to have separate lists on different bits of paper.

Towards the end of our stay in the Pyrenees there is always a lot of little jobs to finish plus some essential things to do in order to shut the barn down as such.

Little jobs were things like; finish back filling the wall and sow grass, put in stakes for raspberries, put tin on new log pile, plant roses…

Shut down jobs include; disconnect batteries, fly mesh off windows, clean toilets & fridge…

We did make time for a little foraging too as in the last week the mushrooms have appeared. The rest of the summer has been very dry and the pickings very lean.

Parasol mushrooms, birch bolets and hedgehog fungus provided us with starters in the last week at the barn.


Categories: Summer 2016, The Project