Cirque D’Anglade
We seem to have been at the barn for too long without getting away. Sometimes just a wander down the road is good for the soul. We have plans to get over to Ordessa but unfortunately Billy (the VW) has developed a calliper issue on the driver’s rear wheel. Apparently the part is original and has ceased to do whatever it is meant to do and instead is gripping the brake disc. Not drastically but enough to make it smell if we go very far. This means that a Spain trip is on hold.
We did however manage to get out and go for a wander up to Cirque D’Anglade above the old mine at Salau. The forcast was for rain to come in after lunch so we took a thermos of tea nad headed up the half hour walk from the mine. No wildlife to be seen but there was still a large patch of snow in the Cirque and some beautiful orchids.