Catch up day
The alarm went off at 5.45am. Becks and Charlie had to be in the car at 6.15 to get to Carcassonne; and the car was at the end of the piste. Breezy refused to make them walk so we had to get up too.
Once back from dropping them off and saying goodbye we went back to bed.
With no further alarms we got up about nine, had breakfast, checked emails and got some tools out to continue with coppicing.
Breezy coaxed the fire back to life and we were back in action. By 2pm we had completely revealed the oak tree at the centre of the copse. Another half day and we should have the rest down to leave just the 2 big trees.
Salad lunch and list making. Gone are the days when you can just do what you want when you want. Not that they ever existed. We started with a blank piece of paper and a list entitled B4 We Go. That then led onto another with a title of Shutdown. A third was started 2 go 2 Chamonix and the last 2 go 2 UK.
The afternoon was then spent ticking things off lists. We did make time to go for a forage and came back with a couple of parasol mushrooms and a handful of brambles.
Just before showers Breezy noticed a clump of crocus still in the sun on the other side of the river.
Just as Breezy was heading back a Shepard took a load of sheep down the piste.
A simple supper of cheese on toads and foie gras; a crossword and bed before 9pm. Staying up late and drinking 3 nights in a row plus eating for Britain has taken it’s toll.