Category: Summer 2013


The alarm went off at 7 and no internet session. Breakfast and head down the valley.

Clothes in the laundrette then Breezy headed off to get her hair cut. I went to the hardware shop to get the bits we need for the new cooker then put the roofrack on the van. Both off to the DIY shop for some other bits & bobs then food shop. Last port of call is the builders merchant for wood and floor boards.

On the way back up the valley we called with Ian & Nina only to meet the women who are house sitting while they are on holiday. Still good for a coffee.

Lunch- stir-fried pork salad with a soy, lime & sesame dressing.

Fortunately we did not have to take the chimneys apart to connect the wall supports and all the plasterboard fitted, joints taped and skimmed. Upstairs is getting dangerously close to being finished. A bit of gardening though the strimmer refused to start then unload the wood off the roof of the van. Supper – pork curry.

Categories: Summer 2013

Sopping Sunday

Someone installed a false ceiling in the valley today as the cloud level seamed to be merely metres above our heads. Some indoor work was called for so we set about the fiddly job of cutting plasterboard to fit around the chimneys. This was made easier by the fact that Breezy had made some cardboard templates of the gaps before the chimneys were fitted.

So all we needed to do was to create the right shape, cut it in half and create a hole for the chimney to go through the pitched ceiling. Then repeat. Up the ladder; down the ladder; shave a bit off here; up the ladder; down the ladder; shave a bit off there… you get the picture. And yes it was the wobbly ladders as well.

So we had a late lunch after both chimney bits were fettled. We did not attach the boards for fear that we would need to take the chimneys down to get the wall supports in. Shopping for the parts tomorrow.

After lunch Breezy lit the Colonial stove to check it worked and to our relief it is great.

The afternoon was occupied doing small jobs preparing for bigger ones and preparing a shopping list for tomorrow. No pictures I am afraid as there is very little to show for our efforts bar a pile of plasterboard dust and a bag of rubbish.

Finished working at 6.30 before a quick shower and then an hours cookfest. The pork, beef and trout all need cooking tonight. 4 meals in one hour. Pork curry (for later in the week), stir-fried pork (tomorrow lunch), minced beef (later in week) and marinated roast trout (tonight).

Bed and sleep.

Categories: Summer 2013

Sun makes an appearance

Saturday and the low cloud gradually burnt off to reveal the mountains. By the time we had finished working on the web sun was streaming in through the door so we let the fire go out.

The appearance of the sun means that we can tackle some of the outdoor jobs on the list. The grass was still soaking so strimming would wait and wellies were required but after about an hour the roof was dry enough to tackle the chimneys.

Breezy started by applying a coat of varnish to the interior wall of the new porch while I got stuff organised for the chimneys. The only ladder we have that is high enough to reach the top of the ceiling was salvaged from a skip. It’s a metal step ladder with wooden treads. I remember now that there was a good reason it was in the skip as one of the legs had rusted away and it is not exactly stable. By wedging it against the wall and propping it up it did the job though I think that it may well end up back in a skip by the end of the year.

One chimney in and secure by lunch, which we took on the terrace.

Rather than fettle the plasterboard around the new chimney we decided to take advantage of the weather window and get the 2nd chimney in place as well. All done and with no casualties except the jigsaw which has given up the ghost and is completely burn out.

We also had time to get in the garden and do weeding as well as plant some more rocket and herbs.

Fête de la Music in Salau with food in the evening was entertaining to say the least.

The chilli was great with three different strengths to suit different tastes. The dancing afterwards was amazing. Not for the quality but for the diverse styles. We left around midnight and I think that the party will have continued well into the small hours.

Categories: Summer 2013

Promising start

Woke up this morning to the sunshine streaming in through the front window at 7.30am. All looked promising for getting chimneys in on the main barn. By 9am, after catching up on emails and blogging etc half the sky was covered with a layer of cloud.

First job after internet was to collect our new cooker, which had been delivered to the Auberge while we were in Spain. We really fancied one of those range style (piano the French say) gas cookers but trying to find one that did not rely on electric for the grill was difficult. Then we found that Beko do a double oven conventional size cooker with a gas grill. British made, and generally available in France and Spain, But not that model.

While we were away we ended up finding a brand new one on Ebay in the UK and a “Man with a Van” who would deliver. Jobs a carrot, done.

Cooker collected we then called in with Raymond to book in for the chilli night on Saturday for the Fête de la Music.

Having started on ebay, delivered to a farm in Yorkshire, trundled down through France, stored in a garage in Salau and carried in Vinnie a couple of miles off road; the last leg was in the Mucktruck to get up to the barn. Then we tied it up and used the chain hoist to get it up to the first floor where it now resides awaiting a conversion kit to LPG and a connection hose.

Sky became overcast and rain threatening so chimneys is not an option. Instead we made some templates out of card for the plasterboard to go around the chimneys.

After lunch the rain started and the ceiling in the new porch got some attention. By the end of the day all was insulated; all the electrics above it done and plasterboarded.

Roast chicken with marmite potatoes for sups.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

Sunny Spain

Back at the barn now after our road trip in Spain. Started on the Costa Brava…

Montserrat next for some culture, climbing and walking with a day trip to Barcelona.

And finally onto Pedraforca.

Came back with some lovely pottery, cheap floor tiles, some lavender and Cava plus wine.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project, Travels Tags: Tags: ,

Tidy up

Once again we opened the door to our little abode to see water falling from the sky. The Mayor has assured us that the sun is on it’s way though it has not yet made an appearance in Salau.

We are gonna escape to Spain for a few days climbing and exploring so today is a finish food up and tidy up day.

So we started with a boiled egg for breakfast.Sunday breakfast

That done we started the big tidy up.

All done by 3-30pm so went for a walk around the grounds as the rain had abated. There was actually a small but significant patch of blue sky at 4-30 as we were about to shower though it was a very brief encounter and unfortunately did not line up with the sun.

Next update will be some images of sunny Spain and sea food. I Hope!!!

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

Porch finished

For some reason I thought it was still Friday. Breezy has been busy over breakfast making a list of things that need to be “shut down” for when we head off on Monday and I though that it was a little premature. I was thinking that we had we were short of a little food for Sunday night but never considered that I had lost a day somewhere. “Diots and salad tonight, Lardons and pasta tomorrow, but what are we gonna eat on Sunday?”

Breezy put me right!

Anyway, after the normal healthy breakfast and short internet session we set about finishing the inside of the porch area around the far door. Table circular saw, chop saw, power sander and power plane, hammers, nails and cordless drills at the ready we managed to get rid of more of the stock of wood to finish the porch. The result is a rather rustic mosaic of bits of forklift pallet. Still left to do is to seal the partition walls to the barn walls, insulate the ceiling inside the porch, plasterboard and tile the floor. Then we will have finished about 7% of downstairs. It all sounded quite good progress until I got to the 7% bit. Only another 93% to go!

By the time we had finished and had a coffee the rain had stopped and we had time to cut a few loads of logs to restock the log store by the outbuilding. Then hot soup lunch.

In the afternoon Breezy sorted out food stocks and I cleared up tools and sawdust (for the composting toilet). A few bits of insulation went up in the ceiling and early showers before heading down to the bar in the village. Back for supper, DVD and bed.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

Porch Progress

Call it a porch or an entry or whatever, but the glass partition around the end door is definitely taking shape. Got onto it straight after internet in the morning by using 4 bits of offcut plasterboard and painting them a bright colour. Then adding more wood to the frame to fill the gap above the doors.

Hot courgette and chorizzo soup for lunch then add the colour, and the glass, then more forklift palettes.

By the end of the day we still have some bits to finish but it looks quite pleasing.

Another shower under the tree in the rain. Whatever else happens this year, I don’t think that we shall run out of rain water capture.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project

Glazed entry

It is becoming predictable now; it’s raining again. I am so glad that we got the deck done outside the little cabin that serves as home. Without it we would have such a mud bath just out the door that pigs would love.

So indoor work it is then. Having started putting a stud wall together, very quickly it started to take shape. Patrick in Chamonix had given us some old double glazed units which are now destined for a glazed partition to go around the end door to the barn along with an old patio door salvaged from this last winter season.

To face one side of the glazed wall we used bits of forklift palette which as well as using up wood gives a pleasing, rustic effect. Part of me hopes it is raining tomorrow so that we can crack on and get finished.

Late finish toady at 6:45pm; quick shower in the rain and the remainder of the pork curry to look forward to.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project


Last night we went though a plan of what we want to get done before our road trip and what is feasible. La Forgue in St Girons have our chimney pieces in and I desperately want to get them before we go. If there is a problem I really don’t want the French holidays to stop us getting the right bits.

In view of that I had a list of supplies and odd jobs to do in St Girons while Breezy cracked on with some paperwork at the barn. 1st stop for ma was to fill the Gerry can with petrol, then pick up bread, then La Forgue. Got everything on my list of building supplies except for the parquet flooring in order to finish the wood floor. So best laid plans will have to go in the poubelle. Next stop is the garden centre to replace the courgette and cucumber plants that died in the frost the other day.

Managed to see Clive in Couflens on the return journey and thank him for supper. Back to the barn by 12:30 in time for broccoli and blue cheese soup.

Unloaded the van in the dry before the rain started once more. Rain snow limit around 1300-1400m so chilly at the barn (>1000m).

We checked that all the chimney pieces work though did not fit them as there is no way I want to be up on the roof in the rain. Also managed to hang a picture that Dad made the frame for before starting building framework for an entry around the far door in the barn.

Beef in beer with dumplings and stir fried veg, Mmmmm.

Categories: Summer 2013, The Project