Visiting Friends

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We woke to a dry but low cloud day and quite cold. So the usual clear up with washing up, internet and healthy fruit breakfasts before we set to with the DIY.

We were quite keen to get the wood prepped for the raised veggie beds so we had a bit of a chopping and preserving of wood morning, using some of the decking. It stayed dry so we could at least do this all outside as the preserver really stinks!!!

Beginning to make more progress with the electrics before we get the ceiling up in the main barn. Al prepped where the light switches would go and drilled suitable holes for cables and the sous chef followed with chisel behind. All 4 sockets are now ready to accept switches and one is all wired up for action.

We had arranged to meet Irish Ian and see how his new pad is progressing so we had quick showers before lunch and then headed down towards Seix. We stopped in to see Scottish Annie on the way who has put her barn on the market and is hoping to move towards Mirepoix.

Sadly the nursery was closed as we wanted to get some plants for around the terrace area so another time. We then trundled up to Ian’s new place to have a guided tour a year down the road. Big progress and it is going to be lovely. Converting barns into houses, yoga studios and all sorts. We managed a couple of aperos down in Seix before we headed our own ways.

Al busy prepping chicken stir fry for supper tonight so looking forward to that and the sun forecast for tomorrow is now storms, I do hope they are wrong as we were planning a good yomp up to the tops, we will see what the weather looks like in the am and make a plan.

Categories: Summer 2012, The Project

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