More Cement…We love it!!!!

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We woke up to sun shining through the little window, must be 8.15am. Who needs an alarm clock?

After a quick brekky with Muesli and Clive's rasps we set to.

I zoomed down the road to the Mairie to get the numbers of the cadastres for the sourcier while Al prepped for the cementing day ahead.

By the time I got back he had the pillars in place ready to be levelled before filling the 2m gap between them.

Al mixed, I levelled, we both filled up the water tub and by 2pm we had another 2m strip done. Fairly constant stream of cement being mixed, poured and levelled all morning but looks like we are getting there.


The bats seem to have reappeared and are hovering above us again. Hoping the noise of the cement mixer will make them find a new home again.

A much needed lunch of roast chuck butties under the brolley before afternoon took place.

I caught Dad who was on line so had a good Skype chat with him which was lovely to hear about his trip after his visit here and I also sent off the e mail to the sourcier with the cadastre numbers. All being well he will be here on Wed afternoon and fingers crossed he is our man to find the source….watch this space.

Al had prepped the reinforcement for tomorrow and then it was just a matter of full steam ahead to keep away from the horse flies and to get the ballast up the hill. Quite speedy and hto work but all set for tomorrow.

Forecast due to change so we wanted to get the ballast up the hill while the sun was shining. Mission accomplished.

I zoomed into the river for a dip before the sun disappeared and we then had a bit of chill time before dinner.

Reading, bezique pink fizz and enjoying the view. Thought it was a good excuse to have a glass of fizz to celebrate the arrival of Wee Julie and Ben's little boy who arrived very early this morning.

Another full on day tomorrow but we are prepped and ready so hoping all will go smoothly.

Dinner beckons, bangers and different salads.

Categories: Summer 2010, The Project

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